10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Fast Weight Loss


Protein shakes are an effective way to see results with any weight loss plan.

Consuming protein helps weight loss by giving us the feeling of fullness which makes it easier to consume less calories throughout the day.

And if you are trying to lose weight, you also may be exercising.

A high protein diet keeps your overall calorie intake low while also providing you with the natural added energy you need for physical activity.

This is because protein has 4 calories per gram. Fat, for example, has 9 calories per gram. While carbohydrates also contain 4 calories per gram, consumed in excess, can create many health issues.

Protein is the only macronutrient of the three that is low in calories while also providing the benefits of increased metabolism, stabilizing blood sugar, suppressing appetite, reducing cravings and preserving lean muscle mass. These benefits work together to help with weight loss and  

While it is easier to lose weight by supplementing your diet with protein, finding the right protein powder for your weight loss goals can be hard.

If you prefer, you can choose to meet your protein foods with high protein whole foods. Eggs, meat, dairy, and plant based protein sources are all effective ways to add protein to your diet.

It is important to choose high quality all natural protein sources that are free from GMO and added hormones. Both of which can have negative impacts on your health.

Protein powders can be great because they pack a lot of protein with very little carbs and fat. This let’s you consume high amounts of protein without the added calories that whole food protein sources often contain.

Protein shakes made with clean, organic, all natural ingredients are a convenient way for people who find it difficult to cook healthy food and or to find time to sit down to eat three meals a day.

While you can grab a pre-made protein shake at any health food or grocery store, making it at home makes it the healthiest option.

You can choose your ingredients based on your personal preferences and your weight loss plan. You can also avoid the preservatives and artificial ingredients.

Once you find your favorite protein packed, nutrition dense recipes, you can incorporate them into your daily routine and make them a part of your weight loss plan.


1. Strawberry Shortcake Protein Shake

•180 Calories • 3g Fat • 5g Carbs

Strawberry Shortcake Protein Shake Recipe

1 serving Cupcake Batter Protein Milkshake

1 cup almond milk

3-4 strawberries

Blend, top with whipped cream and enjoy!


2. Dunkin Donuts Coffee Protein Shake

•140 Calories • 2g Fat • 4g Carbs


Dunkin Donuts Coffee Protein Shake Recipe

1 serving Cupcake Batter Protein Milkshake

1 cup almond milk

1/2 cup Dunkin Donuts cold brew

Blend, top with whipped cream and enjoy!


3. Rocky Road Protein Shake
200 Calories • 5g Fat • 5g Carbs • 3WW SP

 Rocky Road Protein Shake Recipe

1 serving Protein Milkshake

1 cup almond milk

Sugar free chocolate syrup

Blend, top with whipped cream and enjoy!

4. Cupcake Pomegranate Protein Shake
•190 Calories • 4g Fat • 6g Carbs
Cupcake Pomegranate Protein Shake Recipe
 • 1 cup almond milk
• 1 serving Cupcake Batter Protein Milkshake
• Ice
•  3 tbsp protein ice cream
 • 2 tbsp sugar replacement
• Handful pomegranate
Top with sugar free chocolate syrup.
5. Birthday Cake Frosty Protein Protein Shake
165 Calories • 3g Fat • 4g Carbs• 1WW SP
 Birthday Cake Frosty Protein Protein Shake Recipe
• 1 banana
• 1/2 cup almond milk
• 1 serving Cupcake Batter Protein Milkshake
• Lots of ice
Top with fat free whip cream and some sprinkles!
6. Cupcake Batter Protein Protein Shake
•140 Calories • 2g Fat • 4g Carbs
Cupcake Batter Protein Protein Shake Recipe
• 1 cup almond milk
Blend & top with whipped cream and sprinkles.
7. Blueberry Muffin Protein Protein Shake
•200 Calories • 4g Fat • 7g Carbs
Blueberry Muffin Protein Protein Shake Recipe
• 1 cup almond milk
• handful of blueberries
• dash of cinnamon
Blend & top with whipped cream and sprinkles.
8. Healthy Copycat Starbucks Protein Shake
•240 Calories • 2g Fat • 4g Carbs
 Healthy Copycat Starbucks Protein Shake Recipe
• Iced coffee
• Milk of choice
1 serving Protein Milkshake
• Sugar free chocolate syrup
Blend and enjoy.
9. Chocolate Fudge Protein Shake
•250 Calories • 6g Fat • 7g Carbs
Chocolate Fudge Protein Shake Recipe
• 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
• Ice
1 serving Protein Milkshake
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
Drizzle glass with sugar free chocolate syrup.
Blend and top with some whipped cream and some cocoa powder.
10. Peanut Butter Deluxe Protein Shake
•230 Calories • 8g Fat • 8g Carbs

 Peanut Butter Deluxe Protein Shake Recipe

1 serving Protein Milkshake

1 cup almond milk

1 tsp peanut butter

Sugar free chocolate syrup

Blend, top with whipped cream and enjoy!

Stay on track with your diet while satisfying your sweet tooth with these 10 all natural, protein packed recipes.

Protein shakes are an easy and convenient way to provide a nutritional boost your healthy weight loss plan.

Additionally, a healthy protein shake can increase your metabolism, reduce sugar cravings and manage your appetite while you work to lose weight and maintain lean muscle.

However, not all protein powders are healthy. Many contain artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors in addition to other synthetic ingredients that could harm your health and work against your weight loss efforts.

Protein Milkshake is created for healthy weight loss. It is made with 100% natural and organic ingredients and is sweetened with organic monk fruit and stevia, so you can enjoy the satisfaction of great tasting protein shakes that safely help you reach your weight loss goals.

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